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What Is A Security Fire Door?

Many buildings must have, by law, specialised security fire doors installed in appropriate locations. This is the responsibility of the building owner or appointed manager who must ensure that the building offers the best protection against a fire outbreak within the building to ensure the safety of the building occupants and other users. Here are some details as to what exactly a security fire door is and what its functions are:

Internal Security Fire Doors

A fire door is an internal door and the main function is to either protect or create an escape route from a building in the event of a fire outbreak. Whilst a fire door cannot prevent a fire outbreak from happening, it compartmentalises the fire by serving to contain any flame, heat, and smoke from spreading to other adjoining areas to where the fire source occurred. Internal security fire doors should be strategically located around the building and installed at the most ‘vulnerable’ areas and where fire outbreaks are most likely to occur – typically kitchens, canteens and catering facilities, boiler rooms, and storage areas that may contain flammable and combustible materials such as paper, cardboard, and such. Any room in a building that houses electrical equipment should also be regarded as vulnerable and should, therefore, be protected by the installation of security fire doors.

Internal security fire doors are specifically designed and manufactured to offer fire resistance and provide protection – they are available in different ‘ratings’ to be deployed in different environments. All these doors are constructed from materials deemed suitable for fire containment purposes – solid timber doors are specially treated and fitted with relevant door furniture such as locks, hinges, handles, along with specially treated glazing panels where relevant, and, importantly, the smoke-containing intumescent seals. Security fire doors are manufactured to offer protection for varying minimum periods – an FD30 fire door will contain all the harmful elements of a fire outbreak for a minimum of 30 minutes, an FD60 fire door will offer the same level of protection and containment but for a minimum of 60 minutes, an FD90 fire door for 90 minutes, and so on. Every security fire door will have been thoroughly tested and certified as fit for purpose and should display the relevant testing centre information for clarification.

It is important to note that ALL internal security doors should be kept closed at all times unless fitted with certified fire door retainers which are ‘triggered’ by fire alarms being actioned.

Other Security Doors

A building may have external security doors also installed, such as fire exit doors. Whilst the name of these doors may cause confusion, fire exit doors are NOT fire resistant – they serve as escape points from a building in the event of a fire outbreak. They are designed to allow quick passage through to a safe outside space whilst, at the same time, preventing any unauthorised access from outside coming into the building. They can be left open but, if closed they MUST be fitted with a push or ‘panic’ bar that is easy to use in an emergency.

All security doors should be clearly identified with relevant signage.

Enfield Doors – for security fire doors

Enfield Doors, are an established bespoke door manufacturers in the UK trading for many years and manufacturing doors of all types to every environment across industry and the home. Their knowledgeable and experienced staff can advise you on all aspects of soundproof doors including manufacture, installation, maintenance and security. If you would like further information on our company, please contact us and we will respond as quickly as possible. We look forward to helping you.

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