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Why Do We Need High Security Doors?

Whilst people take all the ‘usual’ precautions with regards to securing our properties, both residential and commercial, like ensuring we lock-up and close doors and windows etc., this is not always sufficient to prevent a determined burglar or even vandal! It is a given fact that the ‘weak spots’ within a building are the doorways – these are the most vulnerable points to breach for criminals. Figures show that over 75% of domestic burglaries are committed by offenders gaining access through the doors and the doors are also the most common access points for commercial robberies. Here are some reasons to consider installing high security doors in your properties:

Security Doors

Security doors are often regarded as the ‘last line of defence’ against burglary or any other kind of illegal access to premises – they can delay or completely prevent a breach of access to a property. Security doors are not of use specifically for commercial properties – it is wise to protect your own homes as best you can, and high security wooden doors can provide feelings of safekeeping and wellbeing and bring peace of mind for your family.

Benefits of High Security Doors:

Avoid Business Losses

Businesses are often viewed as ‘easy targets’ for burglars – they are often empty overnight, and some weekends, and are targeted for both ‘break-ins’ and the more unsophisticated ‘smash and grab’ opportunistic assaults on the property. It is estimated that businesses in the UK suffer over £13 billion of losses annually due to commercial property burglaries – installing high security wooden doors can help prevent these attacks and losses.  

Property Damage

Hand in hand with the burglaries goes the damage caused to the property during the attack. Nearly all illegal entry to a property will involve damage to the property to gain access to the premises – an added cost to the property items losses incurred from the burglary.

Safeguarding Staff

Probably the most important consideration – burglary, either residential or from business premises, can feel like a personal assault! The feeling of invasion of private property can lead to emotional distress, increasing anxiety and feelings of insecurity and unsafety. The psychological wellbeing of staff can be severely compromised if they continue working within an environment in which they feel unsafe.

Time Loss And Inconvenience

If your premises have been breached illegally, and damaged into the bargain, then you face costs for repair to the damage and, very often, the premises will have to be closed whilst these repairs are undertaken. This can result in lost revenue from days of non-productivity and, of course, staff absences on top of the actual repair costs.

Fire Safety

It is not just the security aspect of illegal entry to your premises that you should consider – timber door manufacturers can supply high security wooden doors that offer the added protection against fire outbreak within your property. These fire resistant doors will delay the spread of all the harmful aspects of a fire such as flame, heat and the potentially fatal smoke in the event of a fire outbreak – these doors will contain the fire in the outbreak source for a period that will allow safe egress from the building and for the emergency services to arrive to deal with the fire, thus potentially saving lives and limiting the damage to the building itself.

Enfield Doors

If you would like to find out more about commercial security doors or fire door safety in the UK, we can help. Our team of experts is always on hand to guide you and give you sound and pragmatic advice based on years of experience and successful installations.

If you would like further information on our company, please contact us and we will respond as quickly as possible. We look forward to helping you.

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