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Fire Door Signage

When setting up a workplace with fire safety in mind, fire doors, risk assessments and plans for emergency situations are often the top priorities. However, in order to maximise the chances of safe escape in the event of a fire, there are many other factors to take into consideration. Fire safety legislation dictates that one of these factors is having appropriate signage to display within premises to indicate, for example, which doors are fire doors, where emergency exits are located, the kinds of fire extinguishers that are in use, and where to congregate in the event of a fire evacuation.

Fire safety signs need to display their guidance clearly so that members of staff, visitors, residents and members of the public will have the best chance of understanding them, should the worst happen. They provide visual instructions and information that has to be immediately understood.

Fire door signage can have several purposes. At its most basic, it serves to inform people that a door is a fire door. This can provide a visual reminder that the door should not be propped open or obstructed in any way, for instance with ‘Fire door keep clear!’, or, ‘Fire door keep shut!’ notices. For fire doors that are only for use in emergencies, fire door signage can also provide instructions on how to open them and escape safely.

Consider the size of the signs that would be most suitable to your premises. Larger buildings, and those with a lot of distractions, may well benefit from much larger signs so that they are easier to see. The walls or doors where signage is placed should not be cluttered with other notices or decorations.

It is good practice to place fire safety signage at eye level, to maximise the chances of it being seen and understood. The writing on the signs should be large and clear, with images as appropriate to help with comprehension, especially for people who do not speak English, or who have trouble reading.

Other vital signage to provide within business premises include:

Fire extinguisher and equipment signs

Signs must clearly display where fire extinguishers and equipment are situated, as well as the types of fires they are appropriate for. This is incredibly valuable information because using the wrong kind of extinguisher on a fire can make it significantly worse, endangering lives and property.

Other signs may be used to indicate where fire blankets, alarms, hoses and emergency telephones are located.

Fire assembly point signs

These signs make it immediately clear where staff, residents or visitors should assemble in the event of an emergency. Designating assembly points as part of a fire safety risk assessment, and making it obvious where they are, can save lives.

Escape route signs

Similar to assembly point signage, escape route signs should display the safest way out of a building, should a fire break out. The instructions must be clear, along with pictographic displays where needed. Arrows should be used to mark the escape route.

Various pieces of legislation dictate the type, size and style of fire door signage that must be provided by law, in particular the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order. For information and advice about the fire door requirements at your place of work or property, contact Enfield Doors for specialist, informed guidance.

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